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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

First, American Idol, Who do you think will be the two to go this week?
1. Lacisia (sp)
2. Chris
I also would like to mention that I think the fund raising program for Africa and America was a great thing, but the commericals with Fergi and all her flaunting money/bling and the Singular wireless commercial with the little girl giving flack to her mom for cutting off her texts because an expensive bill was tacky.

Second, Lost, in TV guide it is said by the producers that 5 more people will die by the end of the season. Who do you think will go?
1. Locke
2. Locke's Dad
3. Desmond
4. Juliet
5. The Russian

Heroes-Awesome episode! I would have liked to see Sylar and Peter duke it out more though. Great story on Hiro and Ando. The sad thing is though that I don't think Peter will make it to the next season. Sylar will be defeated by everyone but Peter would be too powerful by next season to keep the show interesting. Either he will go into hidding, die, or become a bad guy for next season.
Great twist on Sylar sneaking into the Presidency.
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Post by Casey Fisher »

Mike Nordin wrote:First, American Idol, Who do you think will be the two to go this week?
In think it will be Phil, LaKisha and/or Chris going home tomorrow. Two of those three. I see Blake, Melinda, & Jordin in the final three with Melinda & Jordan making up the final 2. I predict Jordin will be singing the final song of the season with all the confetti and fireworks as she will be the 2007 American Idol.
Laurie Roberts
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Post by Laurie Roberts »

I think LaKisha and Chris will go home this week, unless one of them turns in a really awesome performance. I hope Jordin and Melinda make the finals.

Lost is finally getting my attention again.
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Post by Jen Derbyshire »

I recorded Heroes and just finished watching...and even though I saw the spoiler about Sylar being the President I was still shocked when it happened! The thing I love about Heroes is that there is a cliff hanger at almost every commercial break.

I love Bon Jovi night on American Idol! It wasn't as painful as it could have been, based on the different styles the remaining contestants have. I love Jordin, she and Blake and Melinda are/were my top three, but OH BOY do I think she's going home. I thought Melinda and Lakisha would have the most trouble, but suprisingly I really liked both of the versions they did. I thought Phil did the best vocal but Simon was right that he overdid the rock star imitation with all the pointing and strutting. And what about the Simon/ Lakisha kiss? I thought it was cute!
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Heroes for me is somewhat predictable because it follows and uses so many classic comic book story lines, however I still love it and, as a comic book geek, I enjoy seeing these plot lines brought out on the small screen. Monday nights show was a classic "what if" story line. Both DC comics and Marvel comics have their own comic titles that delve into possible story lines. The best one I ever read was one where Superman landed in Soviet Russia instead of America when he was a child and how it changed the world. It's called "Red Son" if anyone wants to pick it up.
Two other good ones are The Dark Knight and Alex Ross' "Kingdom Come".

As for American Idol, I thought Blake was the best (I could actually download that one). Jordan was the worst, but I think she will be safe since they take the totals from both weeks and add them together. The most over rated performance was Melinda. She might have sounded "like" Tina Turner, but she's no Tina. Don't get me wrong, I like Melinda and I think she will win the whole thing, but last night she didn't convince me on the Rock Thing. I was still too singy, if there is such a word. Rock is more of a growl, bluesy, dirty, tough thing. Bon Jovi was trying to explain that last night to Chris and he missed it. If you want great rock women listen to Janice Joplin, Chrissy Hinde, Pat Benatar, Heart, Lita Ford (love Lita!) and so on. Even Courtney Love gets it. Garbage, and Placebo ect. Dark, soulful, and sexy.
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Post by Jen Derbyshire »

I've never read a comic book in my life! That might be why I find the show so exciting! Maybe this is a sign that I should stop reading mushy romance novels and pick up a comic book!

And I am still not a Lakisha or Melinda fan, they just dont work for me, but at least they pulled out reasonably good versions of songs they had never heard. (Please? Never heard of BON JOVI? I'm sure thats a crime, somewhere!) Chris, on the other hand...and you are right Mike, Blake was pretty good. My husband warned me that I should listen with an open mind, that I might just like it. I didn't need the warning, I can imagine hearing it on the radio now! It was just enough of a remix, the chorus that kept it classic. I'd download it too...its on youtube but I haven't seen it anywhere else yet.
Laurie Roberts
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Post by Laurie Roberts »

Jordin was horrible, but I'd be shocked if she left tonight, even with two going. She's been too good the previous three or four weeks, I think. I still say LaKisha and Chris will go home tonight, even though LaKisha was great last night. She certainly did the best job of finding a Bon Jovi song that fit her voice and style. Honestly, I think Jordin could have done that song and just as well, but I may be biased.
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Post by Casey Fisher »

American Idol Results Show Tonight:

3 of the first 5 seasons there have been “shockers” on the voting when it is down to the Final 4. Will it happen again this year?

Season 1 – Tamayra Gray gets sent home in Final 4, when she should have at least been in the Top 2 with Kelly Clarkson.
Season 3 – Latoya London gets sent home in Final 4 when she should have been in the Top 2 with Fantasia.
Season 5 – The biggest shocker of all - Chris Daughtry gets sent home despite being the favorite to win the whole show.

Tonight, Season 6, Will Jordin or Melinda get sent home? Based on the history of the show, it could easily happen.
Laurie Roberts
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Post by Laurie Roberts »

I was thinking the same thing, Casey. I hope it doesn't happen this time. I am not fan of Blake, and although I have enjoyed LaKisha from time to time, I much prefer Melinda and Jordin.

By the way, I thought Jordin was awesome in the first song last night and then horrible in the second.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

I think LaKisha is going home, but Blake could go also. I like Blake, but last night was just ok at a time when he needed to step it up. Over all, I didn't really care for the show last night. I've never been a Bee Gee's fan, not even a little bit.
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Post by Casey Fisher »

It definitely should be Jordin and Melinda in the Final 2, but who knows what will happen...

It is to the point now where it doesn't matter if you win or not as Daughtry is the most successful from last year. Clay sold more albums than Ruben. Jennifer Hudson got 7th place in Season 3 and look where she's at now.

I see Jordin and Blake being the most successful "pop" stars from this season no matter where they finish.
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Post by Laurie Roberts »

Once again, Casey, I agree with you. Even though Melinda is my favorite, and I genuinely think she is the best singer, I don't see big commercial success for her--at least not in pop music. Jordin is the only girl who I can see having a pop career. Blake's style does not appeal to me, but I know it does to the younger generation.
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

well, is Locke going to survive via some mysterious island miracle? It was also announced that Lost will end in 2010 rather than try to make a long run of it.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Lost: The last 3 episodes were great. I'm sure the next season will move at a better pace than the beginning of last season now that they have a direction towards an ending.
House: My prediction is the two guys will come back and they will get a new hottie for house to work with. Although he is obviously into Cutty.
Heroes: New season, new villian. Look out for the 6 episode spin off with the public vote as to who gets into the regular series. By the way, I'm sure at least one of the brothers is alive. If you haven't been watching this show you're missing out, it has something for everyone.
The Office: The best comedy on TV. The Dwight/Jim wars continue.
Home Edition: When are they going to do someone in the Valley?
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Post by Gwen Johnson »

House: My prediction is the two guys will come back and they will get a new hottie for house to work with. Although he is obviously into Cutty.
From what I've been reading, three new recurring roles have been created for next fall - and the three original interns will be back, but in reduced roles. It sounds to be like the three originals will be "phased out"? I think that's interesting...

Heroes - I've watched it for the most part. I do enjoy it when I watch, though, it is harder to pick up on than some shows when you miss an ep or two. I think both of the brothers are alive - and Hiro is going to have an interesting time in the beginning of the season...
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Post by Mike Nordin »

ah, more toys for House to play with. That's too bad about the others getting back up roles because I find them entertaining too.
"It's good to have an open mind, but not so much as to have your brains fall out."
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