John Spoor class of 87

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Hank Rauenhorst
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John Spoor class of 87

Post by Hank Rauenhorst »

It is with a heavy heart and through teary eyes that I have to inform you that John Spoor died today in an auto accident on the St. Joe River. I still don't know all of the details. He was with his two boys. Nick is at the St. Maries hospital and I don't know how he is doing. I assume he will be o.k. Avery is at Sacred Heart and is doing better but still is not out of the woods. The Spoor family can use all of your prayers. I don't know what else to say. I lost one of my best friends tonight. Please keep them in your prayers.
Simon Miller wrote:Quite possibly one of the sweetest posts I have seen on the internet since Al Gore invented it.
------ JCS 7-7-7
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Thank you Hank.

Nick is going to be okay - the family is currently trying to get him released to KMC. Avery is a fighter and as of last night he's doing good. If anyone would like any further information please feel free to contact me via message on this board or thru my email - spoorroops at yahoo dot com
Dawn VanVleet
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Post by Dawn VanVleet »

Jason (and Hank) sorry about John. My heart too is just broke. As you know- me, him, Shawn, my sister.... were inseperable as kids in the old 'hood. I feel like I lost a part of my heart.

I went and seen your mom and dad today Jason. Like I told them and Shannon, if there's anything we can do, just holler.

As far as details (correct me if i'm wrong jason), John, Nick (his 16 year old son) and Avery (his 3 year old son) were coming back from my aunt's river place. John was fixing their air conditioning. Nick drove home and fell asleep. Hit a pole, hit a tree head on and then went into the river.

Nick got out on his own, a man who saw the accident stopped and cut Avery out of his car seat and went back for John but couldn't get him. From what I've heard (again, correct me if I'm wrong Jason), the truck was pretty banged up and John was pinned.

Nick went to Benewah, Avery was heart-flighted to Sacred Heart. He had water in his lungs but like Jason said, he is doing better.

Please keep Johns family in your prayers. Especially Avery, and Nick...more Nick's emotional being. From what Nicks mom said (his mom is Shannon Jeffcoat-Spoor) he is having a very hard time with guilt.

A awful horrific accident........
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

Roops, sorry to hear about your brother. My condolences to your family. and Hank, i am sorry to hear you lost one of your best friends, my condolences out to u too.
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Dawn and Ken - thank you for your condolences as it really does help reading and hearing all the kind words from everyone.

Dawn - thanks for stopping by and visiting with my parents, it has meant so very much to both of my parents having people stop by and give their well-wishes.

My brother was so well loved by so many people. I understand it isn't just my family who lost a loved one as both Dawn and Hank have shown. I will miss hearing the stories of the days my brother spent growing up with the VanVleet sisters and the McNearny clan. I remember many of those times and I loved sharing my memories with John on our annual trip to Seattle. Every year i'd bring up stories of Clint "Lady Bug" Harrick just to hear my brother laugh. I'll never forget about the pellet gun fights my brother would have with the McNearnys and Timmy Perkins - lol (i'd love to share that one with you all.)
Being 9 years to the day younger than John, he found me to be more of an annoyance when I was younger and he'd love to torment me (in a good way though) and it seemed that Dawn, Danee and or Shawn was around while he did it. There was a time when John was trying to make small talk with Dawn and Danee but I just had to tag along to see what my big brother was up to.... well I was no doubt cramping his style a little bit so he decided to come up with a way to get me to leave. I was offered some pickles, rather small ones but I did love pickles, so I gobbled up as many as my little belly could muster. There was something a little funny about those pickles though because they sure were hot. I had indeed eaten a few too many hot peppers - I couldn't sit for quite a while - boy was mom mad. Good times!

In todays Post Falls Press and in many versions of the accident i'm sure so many of you have heard, it was reported that my brother drowned while he was pinned inside the truck. It was a great relief to my family, my brothers family and myself to learn that he, in fact, was killed instantly when the truck struck the tree. I hope this will help bring some bit of closure to those who thought John suffered. If you know John than you know his smile - he joined my grandfather with that same smile on his face.

I want to thank everyone who has been there for myself, my family and for my Sister Carys family - it's never easy knowing what to say or what to do in such a time. Each email, phone call, house visit, card, gift and prayer has done so much to help my family deal with the loss of such a great man.

I lost more than a brother. I lost a mentor, an idol, a role model and a hero.
Laurie Roberts
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Post by Laurie Roberts »

Jason--let me add my condolences to all of those you've already received. I happened to be in Kellogg this last weekend and heard the news early Saturday evening. John had such a quiet spirit, and I am glad to have known him. My prayers are with Nick, Avery, Carey, and everyone else in the family.

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Hank Rauenhorst
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Post by Hank Rauenhorst »

I just got an e-mail from Simon and he wanted me to pass on his best regards to everyone. Especially Jason. He is out at the lake and when he gets back I am sure he will chime in.
Simon Miller wrote:Quite possibly one of the sweetest posts I have seen on the internet since Al Gore invented it.
------ JCS 7-7-7
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Mike Biotti '68
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Post by Mike Biotti '68 »

Our dear friend and fellow competitor John was a close friend and playing companion to all of us at Pinehurst Golf Club and will be greatly missed. Our heartfelt sympathies go to his family. His competitive spirit and continued playing improvement had secured him a spot on our Miller Cup Team last year and he has qualified again this year with even better play. His loss will definitely be a blow to this year’s competition. As a tribute to John, all entry fees for Men’s Night this week will be donated to his family. God Bless you John, we will remember you forever.
Pinehurst Men’s Club
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Laurie - Thank you so very much for your condolences and kind words about John. He did indeed have such a quiet spirit.

Mike - you painted the perfect picture of my brother in terms of his love for golf. There was only one thing that John loved more than golf and that was his family. I know the Pinehurst course was like a 2nd home to him. I have spoken to my family about your most generous tribute to my brother and we are all so honored that you would do that for our brother, father, son, nephew, grandson.
Last edited by Jason Spoor on Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

I don't normally like to comment on these terrible things, however I really feel for you Jason and your family, especially John's sons. I have 4 kids, two of them sons. I remember John very little since I was a frosh when he was a senior, but I still feel for you and yours. I told my whole family about what happened and showed them his picture, him and your family are in our prayers (and my mom who attends church often in one week) lit a candle for him. I can't imagine what you are all going through, but I pray...
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Dawn VanVleet
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Post by Dawn VanVleet »

LOL....Jason you brought back some great memories! Me and Shawn have been reminenscing every single day since we had heard the awful news.

Boy, do i remember those pellet fights! LOL...Timmy Perkins! LOLOL.... I even remember the pepper story! I dont know if you remember me and my sister were ALWAYS grounded...ALWAYS. So we spent MUCH of our childhood in our rooms. Well, Shawn and John got mad at my dad cause he was so mean back then. Well, one night, me and my sister were in our room, in the summer, windows open. And we hear, coming from the rock cliffs we all use to climb, "BRENT VANVLEET SMOKES DOPE!!!!!!!!!" It was John and Shawn, yelling all this stuff at the top of their lungs on that hill top!!

Needless to say, dad heard it too and was waiting for them when they came down! LOL....

Jason, how is Avery? I heard he took a turn for the worse? Let me know.. I have all of you on the prayer chain at several churches.

Me and my sister went and seen John yesterday. He looked good...even had that little smile on his face! Looked peaceful. I just hope that Nick can get thru this and realize it for what it was, an unfortunate ACCIDENT. no ones fault......

Blessings Jason..thanks for the great post!! Made me smile :)
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Dawn - you and your sister grounded!?!? that's hard to imagine, lol. We have been sharing some awsome stories about John and yours is definitely one the family would enjoy. I hope you know that if you or your family feels the need to talk to Johns family that you are more than welcome. We have been gathering at my Uncles house in Hayden - Nick made it there yesterday!!!!!! - and if you feel like stopping by for any reason than please don't hesitate.

As for Avery - he did have a rough morning yesterday but I wouldn't say he took a turn for the worse. He was having a hard time breathing on his own but he fought through it and is doing very okay now.

as I was writing this I just recieved some more news - Avery is responding to voices now - his Grandpa Fred is chatting it up with him right now.

Nick is having some pretty rough nights but he's doing better by the day. Nicks sister Ashley has been there 110% for him and she's not about to let him get down.

Nords - thank you for your post. Our family welcomes all the prayers.
Vicki Spoor
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Post by Vicki Spoor »

We want to thank all of you for all of your thoughts, prayers, stories and being there for all of us.
Jason has pretty much said everything for us -- he is so much better with words than I am.
Please keep sharing your memories and good times with us -- it helps so much.
Terry, Vicki and family
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

I just wanted to let everyone know that our family is having a social gathering tomorrow at my Aunt and Unlces place in Hayden. We would like to extend an invitation to all who know and love my brother and would like to share some stories or just talk. My Aunt is trying to put together some pictures to share with everyone and hopefuly some wonderful stories behind the pictures themselves. We will have family there all day long so there is no set time to show up so please feel free to drop by whenever. If you'd like to be there please contact me or my Father for directions - you do not need to bring anything but yourself and maybe a story or two. My parents home # is in the phone book under Terry Spoor, 319 W. Mission.

email me at spoorroops at yahoo dot com
or roops at roadrunner dot com
or spoordawg at hotmail dot com

I hope to hear from you.
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Post by Casey Fisher »

I first off wanted to say thank you and echo everyone’s kind thoughts, wishes, and many prayers that have been going to John’s entire family. I have many memories/moments with John growing up only 3 houses down from him on Mission Street and being best friends with his little brother Jason. I wasn’t necessarily part of the clan that Dawn was writing about, but I was the tag-along with Jason who so wanted to hang out and be around that cool group of older kids. LOL… I have numerous memories of the early Kellogg days with John, etc. growing up, but I am going to share with you my more recent memories with him.

When I think of John, I think of just how calm, cool and collected he was. I can’t think of another person I know in my life who is/was as “cool” as Big John. There was nothing he couldn’t do. He was very gifted and talented at everything he did. And he was so very fun to be around because he was so laid back, but yet liked to have a good time. Like many have mentioned, he also had such a quiet spirit. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know him real well, also knew the side of John that got a little “fired up” and “pumped up” about life…

My very favorite weekend of the year happens to be at the end of June. This is when John, Jason, Brother-in-law John, Rick and I go to Seattle to see some Mariners games for John & Jason’s Birthday. We started this annual trip back in 2003 when it was just John, Jason & I and we have gone every year since. On this first trip back in 2003, we watched Seattle play the Atlanta Braves. I will never forget that look in John’s eyes when we walked into Safeco Field and he saw that Major League Ballpark for the first time. I also saw that grin of John’s that everyone knows so well just beaming as he looked out and saw Atlanta Braves players (his dad’s favorite team who he grew up watching everyday). During the 2nd game of the series, the Braves were winning in the 9th inning when John Smoltz came in to close the game, by making a slow walk to the mound from the bullpen. John couldn’t stop talking about how cool this was… We had such a good time that year at the baseball games, along with at the big arcade downtown Seattle where John, Jason and I got to be 12 years old again for 3 hours… Thus, we decided to make this an annual trip.

In 2004, I was unable to go because of Hoopfest, but John, Jason, Rick and I went to a Seahawks vs. St. Louis Rams game that fall, which was great because the Rams are John & Jason’s favorite team. 2005 was another special year on the annual trip because Nick got to go with us as Rick couldn’t make it. In addition, this was the first year that John’s brother-in-law John Milliron got to come with us as well… I will also never forget during that series vs. The New York Mets as John walked right down to the field and watched Pedro Martinez and Tom Glavine play catch in the outfield. John’s eyes never wavered and his smile never dropped as he loved baseball so much and he was watching two of the best do what they do…

2006, we went and saw Barry Bonds come to town… We saw a 3-game Mariners sweep in this series and Jason, Rick, and Milliron got to see John and I wrestle for hours on end in our Hotel room. I still to this day cannot believe we didn’t get kicked out of the Hotel for loud behavior and banging around at 3 in the morning… LOL.

Then, just two and a half short weeks ago, we went and watched Ken Griffey Jr.’s return to Safeco Field. This trip is my last memory of John and was the absolute best trip yet. I’ll never forget the high-fives, cold beverages, and laughs at Safeco Field and at the sports bars before and after the games, but my favorite part of the trip came on Saturday afternoon, June 23, 2007. The rest of the clan was resting at the hotel as we were waiting to go to the ballpark in a few hours. John and I decided to wander up to Pike’s Street Market for a couple hours. I couldn’t have asked for better quality time spent with him as we talked about life, baseball, family, etc. We also watched them “throw the fish”, we looked at some stores, and I was with him when he bought Avery a Mariners Jersey. I don’t know if John got around to it or not, as it was just two short weeks ago, but John’s intentions were to put “Little William” on the back of the jersey in honor of Avery’s great grandpa and John’s grandpa Bill Schaffer who had just passed away and taken God’s hands less than two weeks earlier. At that moment when John was telling me about this, I remember thinking how special of an idea John had and how great of a man John was.

Unfortunately, the last four years, I only got to spend time with John once a year on these annual trips, but the memories we made will last me more than a lifetime. These trips are some of the greatest times of my life and hopefully he enjoyed them half as much as I did.

God Bless you John and may you rest in peace…
Last edited by Casey Fisher on Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cheryl McNeil (Cole)
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Post by Cheryl McNeil (Cole) »

I didn't know John as he was two years younger than me, but I wanted to send along my condolences to his family members as well. My heart breaks for you.

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Dawn VanVleet
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Post by Dawn VanVleet »

Jason, Vickie, Jolene (if you are on here), i would like to set up a benefit account for Nick and Ashley. I feel like they have kind of been left out. Unfortunately this has been looked at as two families, when really, there is 3 kids and one father. I know Avery definitely will need the $ for his medical bills, but i also think a benefit account would help nick and ashley too. what do you guys think?

jason, thanks for the invite. jolene actually called me today. i hope to make it but will be hard. i have my 3 kids and my 2 stepsons with me...and they arent the easiest to take around in the heat. if i cant make it, just know that i really wanted to!!
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Gentry Woolman
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Post by Gentry Woolman »

To the family and all of the friends of John Spoor, I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. I went to Jr High & High School with John, but have not seen him & Cary since the all class reunion in 2000. I've been reading all of your posts the last few days. Your stories have been heartwarming. For those of us who knew of, but didn't have a personal relationship with John, you have made us feel like we, too, were one of the gang who grew up West Mission. Thank you so much for sharing these precious memories with us. I pray that you continue to celebrate John's life as you're doing now and talk about him often with his kids. Dawn, your letter you wrote to John on myspace is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with everyone. God Bless.
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Post by Simon Miller »

Wow everyone. I don't know where to begin. First and foremost, Roops, Vicki, Terry, Joline, Cary, and the rest of the family, I offer up my most sincere and heartfelt sympathies. I was taking a mini-vacation at my grandparents' lake cabin the past 4 days. I skimmed the paper on Sunday, but never put 2 and 2 together until my sister-in-law told me she had been at a baseball game and that she had heard about the accident and someone from Kellogg being involved. My heart immediately sank as the pieces came together. I re-read the article and could not believe my eyes.

Although my heart is heavy at the loss of this great son, brother, husband, dad, and friend, the stories and memories and tributes on this page have been such a blessing. Hank, Rock, Jason, Dawn... the stories and memories are so vivid and perfect to help us remember John and celebrate his life here on Earth.

I also grew up on "Sunnyside" and got to know John on many levels too. I remember Dawn and Danee, who happen to be my cousins, being grounded pretty much every day and I remember playing in the church parking lot late into the summer nights. John did indeed have such a quiet, sweet spirit, and a sense of humor for days. I remember when Hank, Brad and I would be cruising down Mission Ave. and would always have to be on our toes when we went by Spoors and McNearneys' house. They were our friends, but they were older than us and they always gave us the "little brother" treatment if they caught us. A few who haven't yet been mentioned yet are Crystal and Clint Herrick and the Allen Boys. Roops' Pellet/BB stories are all 100% true, I can vouch for that! In the winter, when we would all be sledding on Chestnut Hill, occasionally John, Shawn McNearney, and the crew would chase us down and give us whitewashes that I will NEVER forget. I always remember John would always go easy on us. He was such a great guy.

As we grew older, I remember John working for/with Rick and Hank. I remember John talking to me at the golf course while we were eating sunflower seeds... he told me how they would just fill the floorboards of the pluming truck with sunflower seed shells. lol Of course, John was the creator of the infamous "KACK!!" that Hank and I carried on for years after that.

Of course, as Mike Biotti so aptly put it there was the athletic and competitive part of John. I have not seen someone learn the game of golf and become so good and competitive in such a short timeframe. He was also a great baller and great at just about everything else he did.

I am sorry if these memories are all a bit fragmented. I have so many great memories of John that I just started typing.

I am honored and blessed to have known John. May God bless and comfort all of his family and friends in this time of great loss.

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Matt Morgan
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Post by Matt Morgan »

John was a person who made people happy, and a person who people wanted to spend time with.

Two rare qualities in the world today.

Two small reasons why John will be missed by many.

Rest in peace John.
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