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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

I don't think things can get more screwed up with airport security.

Is there something wrong with this picture?????

This isn't about how investigators were able to smuggle liquid explosives and detonators past TSA screeners earlier this year.

It's about the atrocious treatment endured by some Fort Lewis soldiers who were escorting the remains of a colleague home to Virginia earlier this month.

Brief background: On the tarmac, an honor guard had been formed by Port of Seattle Police, airport fire and rescue and military personnel as the soldier's body was placed on the plane.

A police officer then took the escort soldiers up to security.

The TSA screener checked everyone's ID, including the police officer, and then had the soldiers go through the metal detectors.

Their combat ribbons and medals set off the alarms.

So what does the TSA screener do?

He has the soldiers strip off their uniforms - in front of everyone - down to their tee shirts, pants and socks.

Will someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with these people?

How does some inept, insensitive idiot with the IQ of room temperature even get a TSA job?

That TSA screener should have his ass fired.

And those soldiers deserve at least an apology.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

I'm not sure on that person getting fired, but maybe his/her boss. Hey, I usually lean toward the left, as most know, but I agree this is stupid. The whole point of these security measures at airports is to catch stuff going through when there are mass amounts of people going through, because at those numbers and at that speed they need help in catching everything. By the way, I don't mind waiting for the extra security. But in this case, this individual probably has been hassled by their superior to do what he does with no exceptions, hence action superceeding common sense. The soldiers do need an apology and someone higher up should have stepped in and done something. Actually the soldiers should have just gone through, I mean, what would have happened, really.

Another bit of common sense, WHAT THE HELL is with those protesters up north of Seattle with signs about God wanting our soldiers to die because we have gay people in our country. They protested outside a funeral service of a soldier from Iraq. I think those people are sick and I think common sense should say that should be illegal no matter what side of the fence you are on.

Sorry for the soap box, Ken you got me going. 8)
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

I agree Mike that the TSA agent shouldnt be fired, he was onyl doing his job and TSA is under high scrutiny all the time. But come on, common sense should prevail here. What i dont understand, is the soldier was on the tarmac before he went thru security?? seem odd to anyone else?
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Do you think someone was trying to make a political statement? I would have a problem with that, I hate when anyone, right or left, uses our soldiers for political profit.
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

its hard to say, i do know from experience that us military are not exempt from the searches unless we are on orders for deployment. It is just sad that someone cant use common sense and see that someone dressed up in Dress Greens is probably there for a reason, especially if they have an official military ID card. They changed our cards a few years ago for that very reason, less likely to be forged
Left hand, right hand, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious. -- Charles Shackleford
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