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Casey Fisher
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Post by Casey Fisher »

A-Rod just needs to go to the National League. Then maybe I can cheer for him a bit. Like you said Ken, if he goes to the Angels, that is almost as bad as him being on the Yankees. I know Roops has room for him on his Dodgers squad. If not L.A., I would like him to go to the Cubs. If he went there and they broke the curse and won the World Series, he would be the ultimate hero in Chi-town...
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

He's so much into money, maybe he should play in Japan.
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Post by Mike Nordin »

What do ya all think about the m's possibly trading adam jones, sherrill, and tillman to the o's for bedard? I'm not so sure it is a good deal but pitching always trumps hitting.
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

I think it would be a great deal for the M's. Erik Bedard is a proven #1 starter who can flat dominate a game at times. I think the addition of Bedard would make King Felix better as well.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

How are the dodgers looking this year? Do you think the addition of Torre and others will send them to the post season?
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Ned Coletti has done a fantastic job of building a "championship caliber" ball club without diminishing the farm system. I was affraid the club would trade the likes of Clayton Kershaw, Chad Billingsley, Johnathan Broxton or Matt Kemp just to get a rent-a-player for one, maybe two, seasons but Coletti stood his ground very well and was able to build around those young stars with the best quality free agents he could.

Joe Torre - let's be honest, who couldn't win with the teams the Yankees put together. I do, however, think this was a great signing by Coletti because even though the Dodgers have had a "championship caliber" team for the past 4-5 years they didn't have a coach that could keep the prima donnas from bickering in the clubhouse and ultimately costing the franchise a chance at another strong playoff run, let alone a World Series title. If nothing else Joe Torre will bring an excellent leadership trait to L.A. that both the young and the aged can respect alike.

Andruw Jones - other than Torii Hunter, Jones was probably the mose sought after FA CF in baseball. Jones has an opportunity to produce huge #'s in L.A. hitting behind Rafael Furcal, Russell Martin and James Loney - three guys with excellent ob%'s. Having Jones in CF also moves the weak throwing Juan Pierre to LF and possibly out of the OF all together with Andre Ethier the likely LF.

Hiroki Kuroda - I know next to nothing about Kuroda. I can only go by what i've read about him. He will be the #3 or #4 starter in the Dodgers rotation and from what i've read about him he would be considered a solid #2 pitcher for most any team in MLB. I've read that he's a real bulldog on the mound and gets tougher the later he pitches and the stickier the situation. I really am anxious to see what he brings to L.A.

The Dodgers missed out on getting a 3B this offseason but they do have Nomar Garciaparra and Andy LaRoche to battle it out in the preseason for that position so they should be fine.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

I agree with you on not giving up the farm. I've never liked bavasi holding onto the farm team so tight that he's trying to create diamonds from coal but now it seems that he's going to give up too much of the farm. If this trade with the o's goes through it will cost the m's Adam Jones (who I'm still not quite convinced he will be as awesome as everyone says, Micky Mantle, I don't think so), and three minor leaguers. I'm not so sure that is a good trade either, but I guess the o's are in the driver seat.
Torre, I think the greatest attribute he has is the respect the players have for him. I think that will settle and focus the Dodgers. Even if they didn't have that much talent I would still be careful playing them.
At the end of last season there were rumors that the dodgers were going to go after Beltre since he just flat out plays well in dodger stadium. I think that would have been a mistake, one the m's get to live with for at least two or three more years. I like beltre and he's an ok player but his numbers don't live up to his salary and I think many knew that when trading for him. We could have got someone else, either by trade or by farm, that could have put up near the same numbers at the very least, and for much less than we are paying him.
I am looking for Richie to bounce back though, so maybe the corners will produce this year. I'm hoping.
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

The Dodgers were mentioned in every rumor mill involving a 3b last season and probably will be again this season. There was really no validity to the Beltre rumor as Colletti was against bringing in his contract for the type of prospect the M's would have demanded. Allthough the M's didn't trade for Beltre you are right that that money could have been better spent but when you have a free agent in his prime that's coming off a year in which he hit 48 home runs and drove in 121 while hitting .334 I suppose you can't blame Bavasi too much. Ok, pretty much every Dodger fan knew that was a ridiculous contract because Beltre had 1 great season in L.A. and 6 lackluster seasons in which is previous highs were 23 home runs 85 RBIs and a .290 batting average.

As far as Erik Bedard goes - I would not have been too unhappy if Colletti let go of one of the Dodgers prized prospects to get him but the O's asking price was just way too steep. If the M's can get away with dealing Adam Jones and a handful of unprovens I think it would be a fantastic deal for them.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Do you think the Yanks will get Santana? I don't think it's going to happen, until maybe half-way through the season, maybe.
Do you think the M's have a chance of catching the Angels? I think they have a pretty good chance, if they continue to improve their pitching. Both teams will improve, minus the whole the m's might, and I stress might, have in Right field.
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Mike Nordin wrote:Do you think the Yanks will get Santana?
I don't think it will happen simply because there are so many other teams in MLB that can package better young talent in a deal with the Twins. I think the only way a deal with the Yankees goes down for Santana is if the Twins get a package of young players that includes Joba Chamberlain or if the Twins just plain panic and unload Johan to the last team standing. The Twins would be well advised to wait until the season begins so teams that aren't in the market right now might make themselves Santana suiters at that time.
Mike Nordin wrote:Do you think the M's have a chance of catching the Angels?
Honestly, No. Atleast not the current M's. If they do make a trade for Bedard that would be a start in the right direction but they really need to do something with the middle of the lineup. Sexson is a great run producer but to have your cleanup hitter flirt with the Mendoza line year after year just doesn't add up to winning baseball in this version of MLB. Obviously Adrian Beltre needs to put up the kind of #'s the M's are paying him to put up but I really don't see him hitting more than 25 homeruns in a Mariners uniform.
Casey Fisher
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Post by Casey Fisher »

I was wondering what you fellas thought about the Blue Jays/Cardinals trade of Troy Glaus for Scott Rolen. Who do you think got the better of the deal. I think they are both on their way down Glaus from roids & Rolen from injuries. Maybe a fresh start would be good for both of them?
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

Casey Fisher wrote:I was wondering what you fellas thought about the Blue Jays/Cardinals trade of Troy Glaus for Scott Rolen. Who do you think got the better of the deal. I think they are both on their way down Glaus from roids & Rolen from injuries. Maybe a fresh start would be good for both of them?
Thats a tough one Casey, but i would say it is even. Maybe Glaus produces more, because he isnt as injury prone, but who knows. If Rolen stays healthy, then i think the Blue Jays benefit more.
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

I've started a F. Baseball league and anyone on here is invited. I have it set for 10 teams. 8 spots are open. If you are interested let me know.
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Come on, lets play some baseball...
The ID is-#20314
the league-Wildcats Baseball
the password-kellogg

I've been looking forward to this all year and I'm hoping the Biotti's, roops, fishrock, doug, ken, and simon will all be there, even though I know many won't, but I can wish can't I???
Anyway, looking foward to seeing you there.
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Post by Mike Dye »

which website is it on?
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Mike Nordin
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Post by Mike Nordin »

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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

Mike Nordin wrote:Come on, lets play some baseball...
The ID is-#20314
the league-Wildcats Baseball
the password-kellogg

I've been looking forward to this all year and I'm hoping the Biotti's, roops, fishrock, doug, ken, and simon will all be there, even though I know many won't, but I can wish can't I???
Anyway, looking foward to seeing you there.
sorry, but i'll have to pass. I'm pretty particular about the scoring categories in fantasy baseball and my preferences differ from the league settings quite a bit.
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Post by Mike Nordin »

Well, just like last year, it could be up for debate. I'm doing this for the first time and would be open to ideas. To discuss them you wouldn't even have to join up. Just give me a chance to convince you. :)
Plus, don't you want a shot at dad? I think it was just a fluke, but he's talking alot of smack around here. We have two possibly three new guys we know and doug knox has signed up, so we could have a full league of guys we know. I'm sure there are those at the KHS site that won't even play if you don't (not to put any pressure).
If you already started another league I understand, really! Infact I would be interested in joining, if it was ok. But I would like to hear how and why you like the scoring a certain way.

On another note, if there is anyone else who is interested, the above information still stands and we still have five openings.
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Post by Mike Nordin »

p.s. to that post. I really do think you guys are good group of guys to play with, I've enjoyed all the leagues I've been involved with! And I still plan on whipping you guys in the b-ball league! 8)
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

I don't really like negative categories, hard to score categories or % categories -

negative categories meaning the lower the number the better such as errors or caught stealing. these categories are easy to "steal" for someone who is inactive in the league.

hard to score categories such as pickoffs and shutouts. chances are it'll be a 0-0 tie each week so it's just a wash category.

% categories such as ob% and slugging % - these categories again could be easily won by someone who is inactive in the league so to account for the slugging % I just score the categories that make up a slugging % - hits, doubles, triples, and home runs.

if you'r going to have it set for 6 pitchers to be active each day then you could raise the minimum innings pitched up to 30-35. The way it's set right now I would simply set my two best starting pitchers at SP and leave the other four spots for my relievers and that could easily win the pitching categories each week.

if I had two solid starters that averaged 7 IP per start that would take care of 14 of the 21 innings from two players and would leave only 7 more innings to be pitched by my 4 relievers. I may not be able to win the win category but the loss category could potentialy wash that out anyhow - same thing goes for walks and strikeouts - the less starters I need to throw the better my chances at winning the walks category but losing the strikeout category. that just leaves the categories dominated by a relief pitcher - saves and holds.
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