Does the WCC.....

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Ken Lagerquist
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Does the WCC.....

Post by Ken Lagerquist »

Get 3 teams in this year if San Diego pulls it off???? Interesting scenarioi. Just hope Gonzaga pulls it off.
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Re: Does the WCC.....

Post by Simon Miller »

Ken Lagerquist wrote:Get 3 teams in this year if San Diego pulls it off???? Interesting scenarioi. Just hope Gonzaga pulls it off.
That was one of the worst games I have watched Gonzaga play this season. Not only did San Diego out hustle them on the boards and on every loose ball, but the Zags looked clueless and hesitant on offense.. They had absolutely no identity on offense and everything look forced. I have to give San Diego credit because they stepped up the D, but the last two nights the Zag offense has been pathetic. They just got WORKED on the boards tonight.

But to answer your question, I don't see how there is any way St. Mary's doesn't get in after all the talk about how they deserved it before they lost. So yes the WCC gets 3, but NO they (the WCC) don't deserve 3.
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

yea i agree SImon. i didnt get to see the first half, didnt know it was on until lunchtime. But from what i saw was their best part of the game was the first five minutes of the second half. Maybe they needed this to get them back on track for the NCAAs. I say three teams are in. If San Diego had lost, then only two, but they just eliminated a Bubble team, thats for sure
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Jason Spoor
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Post by Jason Spoor »

I think the WCC has to get three teams or just one team in. There is no way the selection comittee can simply flip a coin to see if Gonzaga or St Marys gets a bid while leaving the other one out. My predictions on seeding now that the 'Zags lost in the conference championship:

San Diego - 13-14. Two wins over St. Marys this season, 1 win vs the Zags and a W at Kentucky are not enough to get them a lower seed.

St Marys - 11-12. The W at home vs Drake looks good but they really don't have any other big non-conference wins to help them to a lower seed.

Gonzaga - 9-10. Only one good non-conference W, at UCONN, and a season full of underachievment puts the 'Zags in prime position for that unwanted 9 seed.
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

I'm almost happy gonzaga lost. Hopefully this give Few plenty to motivate them with for the next 10 days or so. It was also a great primer for the NCAA tournament where referee's are known to swallow their whistles and let anything go. There was so much rough play last night that was just let go, and that is exactly the kind of game gonzaga needs to learn how to win if they are ever going to make a deep run again. They just never seem to be strong enough with the ball. If I was Few I'd give all the walk on's and end of the bench guys free reign in practice to grab, pull, gouge, and punch the starters during scrimages. Anything they want to do to try and get the ball. Time to toughen up the Zags.
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Post by Matt Morgan »

I agree with Brian, the Zags played like a bunch of babies last night. Every time they went to the hole, they expected a call, instead of finishing strong. They got out hustled, out rebounded, and were not very strong with the ball. They need to get beat up a little at practice and toughen up!

They looked the same against Santa Clara in my opinion. They are getting a little nonchalant.

Can anybody give me a good reason why they are starting Sacre? I was very pleased to see Kuso get the start last night.
They need to pound it inside more and that will open up the jump shot for the other guys.

I just hope they get back to basics for the tourney.
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Post by Casey Fisher »

You guys all have great points. Golf Coach, they did just get out played, out hustled, etc. It was pathetic! They honestly should have lost to Santa Clara and may have, had the ref called a charge on Pargo late in the game… Last night you could tell that San Diego just wanted it more. The Zags reverted to their old habits of careless turnovers, etc. Brian, like you said I wish someone besides Pargo, Pendo, and sometimes Kuso would step up, be physical, and quit let guys push them around… Maybe they just have too many nice guys on the team as I frequently see many of them just get bullied around and not do a dang thing about it. It is very frustrating…

Here are a few things that puzzle me:

Why does Stephen Gray play nearly twice as many minutes as Austin Daye??? They lack scoring and while Gray can get hot, Daye can create his own shot and could score 20+ per game if he played more…

How did Josh Heytvelt dominate Tyler Hansbrough last year at Madison Square Garden? Like Brian said in a different thread, he needs to go to the John Koepl footwork academy so he can actually execute at least a simple post move and score in the lane.

Anyways, I am very disappointed, but when you look back at the season I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. They only Top 25 team they have beat was UConn, but that was back when Connecticut wasn’t in or playing like a top 25 team. I agree with Roops in that the Zags will be in the 8 vs. 9 game and I see a first round defeat in their future again this year. They don’t have that Morrison, Stepp, Dickau, Santangelo that can take over a game in the clutch. They don’t have a Calvary, Violette, Turiaf, or Battista that can dominate in the paint, score, and push guys around. And they don’t have a Frahm or Raivio who are lights out 3-point shooters capable of hitting 3 to 4 3-pointers a game, night in and night out.

To answer the thread question, I think they will get all 3 in.
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

I have a suspicion that the reason Stephen Gray plays more is because he doesn't overshadow his teammates. I don't think Mark Few wants Austin Daye to be the star of the team this year. Maybe next year. As a secondary reason it probably also ensures that he comes back to school. If he averaged 20 a game while paying 35 minutes I think he would be tempted to enter the draft this year.
Travis Fulton
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Post by Travis Fulton »

Well, hello to everyone from Florida! I have enjoyed reading the posts tonight catching up on all the business in the world of sports and the great northwest. I sure do miss being back home as it seems like things are really progressing with all the new additions. They didn't tear the wiffle ball stadium down did they?

I figure I will get right into the discussion with the WCC - I must admit I fall asleep during most Zag games as they don't even start until 9am and sometimes 11am over here. The east coast has know clue on what happens during these late games - the east coast bias in the way of sports is quite annoying I don't even care who wins on the West Coast anymore as long as they do. I have never rooted for Oregon State, Cal State Poly and even Boise State more in my life.

Anyway, the Zags did look pathetic last night thou - very little emotion which was the most dissapointing to was the WCC Championship game right? The big kid from Clarkston is the X factor in my opinion for that team - if he played hard down low and was that respected post threat as "Dorgs" suggested, this team would be different but he would rather wing three's. Anyway, doesn't look good for the Zags...............Go Cougs!

Finally, I must comment on the Hawks. Alexander is out and I am sad to admit I am happy. He was good in his day but no longer - Julius and Duckett will be an interesting combo but one I think will at least run hard. If we can get 1400 yards on the ground between those two and Mo Mo - we are set. If not, then I think we should bring back Fish's boy Ricky "Running" Waters. Also, someone call Gustavo Santos.....we need a kicker.

What are your draft predictions for the Hawks?

Round 1........TE
Round 2........WR
Round 3........DT
Round 4........OL
Round 5........S
Round 6........LB
Round 7........WR

Talk to you later!
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Post by Casey Fisher »

Travis Fulton wrote:If not, then I think we should bring back Fish's boy Ricky "Running" Waters. Also, someone call Gustavo Santos.....we need a kicker.
Caps, it is awesome to have you on this site man... Nice call on Gustavo and Ricky "Running" Waters. LOL... I think a huge key for them is to re-sign D.J. Hackett. Who knows when Branch will be able to play and they can't go into the season with just 35 year old Bobby Engram and a punt returner - Nate Burleson...

I like your draft needs list. I think their two most pressing issues are TE and DT. I hope they use their first two picks on those positions...

Anyways, I look forward to your insight from here on out. Welcome to khsgrads Vav Caps!!!
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Post by Simon Miller »

Wow, this thread exploded while I was away yesterday but I have a few brief comments.

1. Welcome VAVOLE. This place will only be enhanced by your color commentary and expertise. We will have to start a golf thread soon.

2. Heytvelt needs to attend a Fisher Footwork Camp and a Morgan "school of hard knocks" toughness camp. He would be a dominant beast if he acquired those two characteristics.

3. Travis' signature/quote is the best I have seen in a while.

Go Zags
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

Living in the Seattle area I hear way too much Seahawk talk, and pretty much everyone is glad Alexander is gone. We can get someone to run full speed to the line and dance around till their tackled for much cheaper! He's been a waste since the superbowl year. and I'd love to let Morgan beat up on Heytvelt till he either gets tough or goes back to turning over cowpie's looking for shrooms. Not that he plays any weaker than most of the rest of the team. I think the whole team could use a lot more toughness. Need to recruit a few more tough kids even if they aren't quite as athletic or highly rated.
Casey Fisher
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Post by Casey Fisher »

Brian Stovern wrote:Living in the Seattle area I hear way too much Seahawk talk, and pretty much everyone is glad Alexander is gone. We can get someone to run full speed to the line and dance around till their tackled for much cheaper! He's been a waste since the superbowl year. and I'd love to let Morgan beat up on Heytvelt till he either gets tough or goes back to turning over cowpie's looking for shrooms. Not that he plays any weaker than most of the rest of the team. I think the whole team could use a lot more toughness. Need to recruit a few more tough kids even if they aren't quite as athletic or highly rated.
I am happy as well that Alexander is gone. However, I feel that Shaun at least deserved the respect of a phone call to let him know that the Hawks are going in a different direction. As of yesterday, he was still confused over the running back signings. As the greatest running back in franchise history, he deserved that respect from them...

Good points Brian about the whole Zags team needing toughness and needing to recruit a few more "tough guys"... What's scary to me is that I think they only have 3 guys who play tough: Pargo, Pendo, and Kuso. And Pendo and Kuso graduate, and Pargo may enter the NBA draft... How weak/soft are they going to play next year?
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

Casey Fisher wrote:
I am happy as well that Alexander is gone. However, I feel that Shaun at least deserved the respect of a phone call to let him know that the Hawks are going in a different direction. As of yesterday, he was still confused over the running back signings. As the greatest running back in franchise history, he deserved that respect from them...

Good points Brian about the whole Zags team needing toughness and needing to recruit a few more "tough guys"... What's scary to me is that I think they only have 3 guys who play tough: Pargo, Pendo, and Kuso. And Pendo and Kuso graduate, and Pargo may enter the NBA draft... How weak/soft are they going to play next year?
Kuso plays tough, but has the worst hands on the team. So he's a liability in close situations. Pargo makes some stupid decisions, but can also carry a team when he's on. Pendo is just a great role player. Can't win with 5 guys like Pendo's on the floor, but you'll win a lot more with at least 1 of them. I think Stephen gray maybe an even better version of Pendo in the years to come. We'll see. Have two point guards coming in next years recruiting class.
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

Your right about Alexander though Casey. He does deserve at least a phone call. I may not want to see him on the field for the seahawks next year, but I think he's one of the good guys in the NFL and deserves a little common curtesy. Although not like any of the rest of us are ever informed ahead of time when we are being let go at work. I guess the only difference is we don't have the media speculating on our fate.
Travis Fulton
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Post by Travis Fulton »

Where does Alexander go?

1.) Lions.........because they absolutely have no clue
2.) 49ers........because it is a great retirement home
3.) Atlanta......closer to where it all started......bama

Those are my picks - it would be nice to get something for him but it looks like he will be a June 1 release.

Alexander had a good run - he was a solid runner that to his credit took advantage of a great offensive line. However, I feel as if I could've ran for 1100 yards behind our line in 2005 and certainly could've tip toed my way to 575 in 2008...........therefore, it's time.

Please sign Hackett thou - I love that guy. He plays hard and can get it done. If not, we better draft another WR and TE - maybe we should bring Mike Tice back? Tice is offensive coordinator here in Jax.......I met him at a tournament and stopped him to talk about when he played. He was so excited to talk about the Hawks and when he played.........pretty cool.
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Ken Lagerquist
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Post by Ken Lagerquist »

Hey, who derailed my thread?? Thanks alot Travis!!! hahaha. Well, alot has happened in this thread since i last posted. Looks like the 'Hawks are going to try and make some noise for Holmgrens last season! I believe they will address every postion they need help at, and they are proving that at RB.

I agree with everyone about the Zags, they have played soft all year long, and WCC will get 3 teams in, this is kinda historic for the WCC. Maybe it will open the eyes of the Zags that they need to coem to play every game. If we could get every Zags player to play with as much intensity as Dorgs and my brother, they would be unbeatable!!! Those two would bring it every game!! Anyway, good to see Fulton on here, i am with Simon as i look forward to more insight on the happenings in the Sports world from you too. Getting more and more action on these sports threads is good.
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Casey Fisher
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Post by Casey Fisher »

Some team will pick up Alexander. Trav, I like the 49ers suggestion. Therefore, he can reunite with his boy D-Jack. LOL.

The frustrating thing to me is that in the off-season after the Superbowl, they could have re-signed Alexander or Hutchinson, and they chose Alexander... This was the worst move in franchise history and they are paying for it now, and will continue to pay for it in the coming years... It's sad to see that they only got two mediocre, injury filled years from Shaun, while Hutchinson is the best guard in football since that signing and departure.

I think it is hilarius that the WCC will probably get 3 teams in and the ACC may only get 4 teams in. West Coast Conference hoops is nearly as good as Atlantic Coast Conference hoops this year. LOL.
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Brian Stovern
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Post by Brian Stovern »

Seems like every year or two a 30 year old running back has a great year, and then gets totally overpaid for the years he'll be 31-35. While I think a back can still be productive at that age, most likely he won't be a feature back. And shouldn't be paid like one. Everyone knew at the time that signing Alexader over Hutch was a terrible idea. Makes you wonder how some of these GM's get their jobs. Vikings and Adrian Peterson are pretty happy about it though :D
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Post by Mike Dye »

It would surprise me if whatever team picks him up he has a great season, if he stays healthy. Brian you make a great point, but Alexander did have a great season that superbowl year. He's just been injured and that does have an effect on a player, hopefully the guy will play a couple more seasons and retire. He's had a great career and shouldn't overstay his time.
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