
25+ years and going strong...
Gwen Johnson
#1 Wildcat Fan
Posts: 247
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:44 pm
Location: Andrews Gymnasium

Post by Gwen Johnson »

Dana! How wonderful to hook up with you here! I'm glad you found the site. :) Several more classmates are also on Facebook if you're interested in hooking up with more class of 82 and other KHS alumni.

Laurie currently has two albums out..."For Such a Time as This" and "Perhaps God"...both are available on iTunes. :) I have both and would recommend both!

I hope you'll visit often and catch us up on the past 27 years for you...
A person is smart; people are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it. ~Kay (Men in Black, 1997)
Dana McKeeth (Quimby)
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:26 am
Location: Meridian Idaho

Post by Dana McKeeth (Quimby) »

Thanks Gwen,

Last I had heard from someone.. was that once years agao I was posted as dead.. LOL on this site.. I never could find the site to correct it if it was that way.. I am very much alive however.

Thank you for the names of Lauries' albums.. I will look for them when I am out and about.
I also have Facebook. Thanks as well as myspace.

Definetly this site brings back some Old time memories, I was home last april and boy how the place has changed I was pretty suprised it had been years since I was in Kellogg (the valley really) with any look around time. Hopefully again soon with more time.

Take care and Thanks again
Dana McKeeth (Quimby)
Gwen Johnson
#1 Wildcat Fan
Posts: 247
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:44 pm
Location: Andrews Gymnasium

Post by Gwen Johnson »

Uh, yeah...that was my bad...about you being deceased...my addled brain mixed up you with another classmate...but I was corrected and changed it (it was on the Sunnyside pictures I posted).

I apologize profusely for that horrible mistake (and I apologized to the person who pointed it out - can't recall who at the moment - because I had given him/her quite a shock)! Again...so sorry...

But I was thrilled to hear you are alive and well...and very happy you found us. I hope we see you on facebook soon too!
A person is smart; people are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it. ~Kay (Men in Black, 1997)
Dana McKeeth (Quimby)
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:26 am
Location: Meridian Idaho

Post by Dana McKeeth (Quimby) »

LOL -, I know I rather dropped out of sight/ off the face of the earth after school.. just not quite that big a drop, at least I was brought back from beyond.. It is ok. I believe it was Bret Martin who brought it to my attention..
but all is good and well :) thanks
Dana McKeeth (Quimby)
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