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TV and Movies

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:20 am
by Jason Spoor
Heroes is back next week. It's really the only series on right now that I would consider a "can't miss". I hope the series introduces more villains like Sylar and keeps the current list of heroes in tact.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:42 pm
by Mike Nordin
Yes, Heroes is back! Lost will soon be back. Still enjoying The Office. We did this last time but I'll do it again,
What are you watching now:
1. Heroes
2. The Office
3. Lost
4. House
5. CSI:las vegas

and occasionally I watch Smallville. Oh, I watch quite a bit of sports.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:52 pm
by Gwen Johnson
I have a pretty strong Tuesday line up (I tape if I can't watch):
2. House (Fox)
3. Boston Legal (ABC)

Thursdays (my daughter tapes this and I watch with her)
4. Smallville (CW)

SciFi (when "in season")
5. Stargate SG-1
6. Battlestar Galactica

For the rest, I catch them on occasion:
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Everwood (still watching seasons 3 and 4 for the first time)
and if I had the CW, I'd watch Gilmore Girls. As it is, I can only watch reruns on ABC Family (along with previous seasons of Everwood, Smallville and 7th Heaven).

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:06 pm
by Mike Nordin
My wife and I do watch Home Edition every week and I watch Battle star when I get a chance, but I get so lost as to what is happening since I don't watch enough.

What did you think of Smallville last night? Only got to watch the first half and taped the second, which I will watch this weekend.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:31 pm
by Gwen Johnson
I think it could have been a pilot of a great spin-off, but only if they get Clark involved. It was a beginning of the Justice League...
but they appear to be having copyright issues because, they can't call Clark "Superman" and they couldn't call Bart "The Flash". :( I didn't read a lot of comics as a kid and most of my Flash knowledge comes from the television show that aired years ago, but that "Flash" was named Barry Allen, not Bart. And no matter how many times I hear it, I will never think of Clark as "Boyscout". ;)
We do enjoy watching Smallville for the most part. It brings me back to my childhood with the whole comic book reality.

Battlestar can be confusing, especially they way they've been taking a page from Lost (and Heroes) and revealing so much in flashbacks. I happened to catch the marathon that was on this past Monday on SciFi, so I'm caught up and looking forward to the start of the second half of the season this Sunday. I'm a little perturbed about the direction some of the characters are taking, but that's nothing new with television shows in general.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:39 pm
by Mike Nordin
It would make a great spin off! On a side note, the first incarnation of the Justice league didn't have Wonder Woman, Superman, or Batman. It was originally started by Martian Manhunter who I hear will be the next big name to come to smallville. Also, I think they went with Bart Allen instead of Barry because in the comics right now Bart, who is Barry's Grandson, is the Flash. The flash family tree goes Jay Garrick (the guy with the funny WWI hat and is still alive working with another team), Barry Allen (the first of the current costume. He was a scientist and a cop), Wally West (he is the original jokester.), and finally the current Bart Allen.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:45 pm
by Gwen Johnson
Ah...interesting. I didn't know that about Flash. Thanks. :)
As for the Martian Manhunter. He will be in the next episode (or so I've read) and he appeared at the end of an earlier episode (though I had no clue who he was then and I've never heard fo the character).
I love the character of Clark Kent and have enjoyed every incarnation of the story I've seen so far. So, while I think the young Justice League would be a neat idea, I'm not sure it would fly for me without Clark.
I am constantly waiting for a Bruce Wayne/Batman appearance in Metropolis, but so far, no joy. And my daughter was asking me if she thought we'd see Diana Prince/Wonder Woman now that the Justice League seemed to be forming. Who knows? This series could evolve and go on nearly indefinitely, but they may have to jump ahead a few years, especially if they plan to keep these actors playing the characters. Tom Welling is really starting to get too old to play a teen. ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:06 pm
by Simon Miller
Hi my name is Simon, and I am addicted to 24.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:36 pm
by Mike Nordin
I never really got into 24. My parents and I are planning to rent the seasons when they are done. I like Keifer though, once a lost boy always a lost boy! 8)

Martian Manhunter by the way has super strength like superman (not quite as strong), can turn invisible, can move through objects, can shape shift into other people, can read minds, and can fly.

I'm probably the biggest comic book geek that you will ever meet. In high school you might not have thought it but I started collecting when I was about 11 and I've never stopped.

Heroes is great. It's written by two great comic writers and so is Smallville. Not having Bruce Wayne, Diana, or many other DC characters is another example of big money stopping all of us comic geeks from wetting our pants from seeing a complete Justice League.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:08 pm
by Laurie Roberts
I saw a mention of Smallville and then had to start skimming. I've been on quite the DVDathon for the last year, or so, and my latest selection is Smallville, which I borrowed from the Lowes. I just started season 5, so didn't want to read anything about what was going on in the current shows. I have the same issue with 24. I've seen four seasons on DVD. I have really enjoyed this DVD thing, and I've gotten in a good rotation with some friends and family. I share my Gilmore Girls (love them so much), and I've watched the aforementioned shows, plus West Wing and Stargate. As a result, I've watched very little live TV since last June. I do still have my reality shows (I'm a diehard Survivor watcher--have never missed an episode. Coach Miller and I even started offering immunity from picking up the driving range to our golfers several years ago).

Anyway, don't let the fact that I'm behind the times keep you folks from commenting on current shows. I've got pretty good skimming skills.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:28 pm
by Jason Spoor
1. Heroes
2. Lost
3. Supernatural (the best unwatched series on television!!!!)
4. Friday Night Lights
5. The Ultimate Fighter reality series

and of course - sports.

I don't know what I watch in the Smallville timeslot but i've never actualy watched a season of it - I have liked all the episodes i've actualy watched though. If they really are making a Justice League series than I will definitely tune in for that.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:44 pm
by Mike Nordin
The Justice League show is just speculation. It will probably depend on viewers during this run of shows. Clark staying on if they do the JL will depend on Tom Welling suceeding with a movie career or if they could find a replacement that viewers would like. I think they would have to either try to keep Tom or not have Clark at all.
By the way, Joss Wheadon (the guy who did buffy vampire slayer and the movie Serenity) is heck bent on bringing a quality Wonder Woman movie to the big Screen.
Batman Begins II or "The Dark Knight" begins filming next month and so far Heath Ledger has been cast as the Joker.
Superman Returns II will be out in 2008.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:16 am
by Doug Knox
Hey Roops,

What was that website that had the tv show archives posted on it - I accidently deleted hours 3&4 of 24 before the wife could watch it and need to have her watch it before we get too far behind.

Thank you, sir!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:56 am
by Jason Spoor
Doug Knox wrote:Hey Roops,

What was that website that had the tv show archives posted on it - I accidently deleted hours 3&4 of 24 before the wife could watch it and need to have her watch it before we get too far behind.

Thank you, sir!
I think it was rimdancin that posted that but i'll get with him so one of us can repost it.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:05 pm
by Mike Nordin
Heroes on tonight at 9:00

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:36 am
by Doug Knox
Mike Nordin wrote:Heroes on tonight at 9:00
It's back...and better than ever (in my opinion, at least). I really enjoyed the episode last night.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:10 am
by Mike Nordin
I'm convinced that "Lindermann" is a Lex Luther type.
I also think Sylar is playing possom.
I can't wait for a good knock down drag out fight.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:36 am
by Jason Spoor
Mike Nordin wrote:I'm convinced that "Lindermann" is a Lex Luther type.
Good call Mike - I was thinking Villian as well but the Lex comparison is perfect.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:11 pm
by Mike Nordin
Ya, Lex is the type of villian that has everyone, good and bad, doing everything for him and most of the time is one step ahead of everyone. Lindermann is very similar in that way. Why is he buying up all of Isaac's paintings, why does he already own the sword that Hero need, and so on. The capper will be if he undoes himself like Lex does. Lex usually beats himself, either becuase of huber or paranoia.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:47 pm
by Jason Spoor
Doug Knox wrote:Hey Roops,

What was that website that had the tv show archives posted on it - I accidently deleted hours 3&4 of 24 before the wife could watch it and need to have her watch it before we get too far behind.

Thank you, sir!
try this link