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Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:10 am
by Pat Covill
Even though the All-Class Reunion, to be held in Kellogg on August 5, 7, & 8, 2010, seems a long time away, the committee is working very rapidly to have all events in place for a successful reunion. A number of sub-committees will be chaired, with regular reports back to the core committee. George White will be publicity chairman for the reunion.

There are a number of classes who have not specified a representative for their class nor turned in a list of classmates. This is very important for notification of the reunion so the time can be calendared in schedules. The committee asks that class representatives attempt to secure as many e-mail addresses as possible to save on postage costs. You may contact Pat Dolan Covill at 784.4852,, to see if a representative has volunteered for your class.

It is important for volunteers to step up to the plate and get involved with sections of the reunion they are interested in. Please contact Lawanna Reed Watts, 682.2153,; or Pat Dolan Covill for any information.