Bret Martin Class of 1981

Where has life taken you since you left the doors of Kellogg High School? Post here to share!
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Bret Martin
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:36 pm
Location: Sidney, Montana

Bret Martin Class of 1981

Post by Bret Martin »

Holly Smokes, has it really been 27 years since high school.

Well since then, I ran wild for a few years until I met a nice Wallace girl. We danced the flooring off every joint in the valley that had music.
I married Connie and went to work at the Sunshine mine. We had a pup 4 years later. Our son Greg was born and two weeks later we moved to Tucson Az.
I worked for Magma Copper mine.
Soon my second pup was on the way. Our daughter Mandy was born in Tucson. The mail came and in it was a call back letter from the Shine. We loaded to the truck and headed home. We bought a fixer upper in Osborn and did just that. Three years latter I got notice that I was getting laid off again.
I made a call to the Homestake mine in Lead SD. Two hours latter is was on my way over for an interview. The staff there sent me back to get my stuff and wanted me to start the next Monday. Connie and the kids moved over 4 months latter. We were there from 1991 until 1998.
I attended collage at SD state penn. I got the 2 year degree in welding. Connie sent the divorce papers and departed with my kids.

I moved to Rapid City SD and married again in 2000. I'm not sure what I was thinking. That marriage failed within a year. I roamed the Black hill of SD and Billings until 2003.

Along came Maggie, we married and moved to Missoula Montana a year latter. I started a logging company and worked my tail off 16 hours a day 7 days a week. No matter what I tried it was not enough, Both in my Business and my Marriage. I sold the logging toys and went to work in Colorado.
I work all over the state and live on the road. I would make it home for a week every few months.
As time went on I found that I was happy being alone. Maggie became nothing more than a house mate.

With all my alone time I did a lot of thinking. I found what I had known all along. I had a deep rooted love in my heart, one that would forever be there.
My high school sweetheart, Lori Ann, is my soul mate.
Lori looked at my profile on then again and again. I could not stand it any longer. I was going to win her love again or die a very lonesome man
I sent Lori Ann a note that said, Why?. that was it just why. I got a reply back that said, Why what? that broke the ice. We started talking and asking questions
I was not the only one who had a deep rooted love. 27 years have passed since we have seen each other, we both have longed to be with each other.

We had our second First date, it was great. Lori opened the door and I took her in my arms and we hugged for 23 minutes before we even spoke. Our hearts beat in perfect rythem, I could not tell where I ended and She began. we seemed to melt together.

Six months have passed since Lori and I have started seeing eachother. It is said that you know your sole mate when you meet them. I knew that Lori was the one true love, we were ment to be together. The Heart she shattered like glass is on the mend. Very soon I will be moving to Gillette.

I have stopped working in the woods of Colorado and moved to Sidney Montana. I'm working for a Construction Co. We do Oil Field Site work. Some Kids never grow up, They just get bigger toys.

I now have two Grand daughters, one from each of my kids.

That as where I have been and where I'm at now.

Bret Mariin
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