Michael Stevenson is still around

Where has life taken you since you left the doors of Kellogg High School? Post here to share!
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Michael Stevenson
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:39 am
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Michael Stevenson is still around

Post by Michael Stevenson »

Hi, this is Michael here saying that I am still around and that I am doing good. I am now a minister for the Church of God (Sabbath Day) (www.cogsabbath.org). I am now living in Salt Lake City, Utah and really enjoying it down here. I also am the owner of Great Country Radio and recently acquired True Independent Radio. We are finally broadcasting on the internet. Hard to believe that I have graduated almost 20 years ago come 2012. Seems like yesterday that I graduated in 1992 and miss it up there in Kellogg. Although, things are looking up for Kellogg and the whole valley with the new walmart, the condos at Silver Mountain, the new hospital and everything that is taking place. I will be up in Spokane October 13-23 for the Feast of Tabernacles. While there, I plan to take a trip to Kellogg and visit. Although my security staff will be with me, it sill be hard to do a whole lot, but nonetheless, I will be visiting. Then in November I will be in the Coeur d'Alene area filming a documentary series for air early next year for KEUD (Salt Lake PBS). I am very excited about the opportunities which have been presented to me since moving to Salt Lake.

As some of you know, I have lost my father January 12, 1999 and then my mother May 25, 2005. Life does get lonesome without them, but I do have my sister that I can often visit with on the phone. I do have some family also down here in the Salt Lake area which is a blessing. Most of all, I am now married, since July 12, 2008. Karen is a joy to be with and she is very awesome. I met her in late May and after a month, we started making plans. Her family has lived here since 1978 and she attended high school in Magna which is where our home is. Magna is actually close to the lake than is Salt Lake City.

Each day I think of each of you up there in the area and miss those of my relatives that are still up there and even miss Mike and Janet Harpel and everyone also at KHS. My email is available to everyone if you need it.

August 29-30, I spent in Winchester, TN at the Jamboree by the Lake 2008 that is put on yearly for independent Country music singers/songwriters. That was a real opportunity and then August 31-Sept. 1, we had broadcasted the MDA telethon on GCR.

I hope to see ya'll around sometime. Until I shall write again, God bless!

Dr. Michael W. Stevenson, DBS & Theology
Michael Stevenson
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