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Kellogg All Sports Banquet

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:45 pm
by Simon Miller
Hey all. it has been a while since I last posted. I have been trying out the Facebook and Twitter worlds the past month or so. Anyway, hopefully we can tie in this place with those two sites eventually and create a wonderful online presence and collaboration for KHS Grads near and far.

Anyway, the reason for my post. I just wanted to commend Gwen Johnson for what a wonderful job she did in spearheading the All Sports Banquet tonight at Andrews Gymnasium. Gwen is acting President of The Kellogg Booster Club and has worked feverishly all year on various activities as well as the banquet tonight.

In my opinion the meal, speakers, and overall ceremony was one of the best in recent memory. We have talked about how big the All Sports Banquets were back in the 70s and 80s, but this years was very well done.

The speakers were members (Captains) of the 1959 State Champion Basketball Team Dr. Jeff Wombolt and Rich Porter. These two gentlemen did a wonderful job speaking and captured the attention of the entire room with their stories, memories, and inspirational thoughts. These two did an outstanding job and I can't remember when I have enjoyed a KHS Sports Banquet speaker more than tonight. You could feel the tradition coming out of their pores. Amazing. The guys were well spoken, relaxed, and quite humble for the things they accomplished.

All was well in Wildcat Nation tonight!


Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:56 am
by Gwen Johnson
You're far too kind, Simon, really. Thank you.
I wanted to add that the 2009 winners of the George Wild Booster of the Year, the Joni Groth Inspirational Award, the Athletic Directors Award, the Tommy Brainard Inspirational Award and the McCoy Reasoner Academic-Athletic Award have all been added to their respective threads.
Thanks again!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:16 am
by Simon Miller