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You know you're from Kellogg if...

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:00 pm
by Casey Fisher
For those of you who didn't see this in the Spokesman Review this morning or who live out of town, please enjoy. This was courtesy of Raymond Pert:

You know you're from Kellogg if...

1. You were born in the Wardner Hospital - in Kellogg.
2. You read all the comic books and baseball magazines at Dick and Floyd's while waiting for your dad to quit drinking in the back so you could get home for supper, late.
3. North Idaho College was your first experience with cultural diversity.
4. The center of social activity was the Kellogg swimming pool parking lot. (Or the Super Stop/Yoke's Parking lot for my generation)
5. Your favorite T-shirt said, "Rainier: Breakfast of Champions"
6. The largest clothing department at J.C. Penney was for work clothes
7. You chewed Copenhagen in class in high school because you could swallow.
8. You came to love the thunderstorms that rumbled in over Lookout Pass from Montana and scared you so bad as a kid that you hid under the covers.
9. You learned to play baseball on AstroDirt, great training for a bad hop.
10. When you got drunk at the Kopper Keg and couldn't finish your last beer, you dumped it down a pool table pocket.
11. Whenever you went to the Gold Strike stamp store in Coeur d' Alene, you always got lost trying to navigate the tangled web of streets and heavy traffic.
12. You left Kellogg, thinking you'd go far, went far, and now spend many of your waking hours wishing you were back!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:08 pm
by John Sutton
Casey - That last one is so true. Cept everytime I come back it looks like Kellogg is getting alot of the things that I don't like about the bigger towns.

However, as I was sending out thank you cards to members of my family. It struck me that I was from Kellogg, when I didn't need to put the post office box number on 3-4 of the letters, because those folks had post office boxes for 15-20 years, and the post(wo)men know who they are...

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:02 am
by Casey Fisher
Very good points John. LOL on the post office #'s.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:27 pm
by Ken Lagerquist
Casey, that is good stuff. I absolutely lost it after reading #2!!! But it wasnt the drinking in the back, i remember when i was younger, Dad and I and Brian would go to Dick and Floyds on Saturday Mornings and Dad would have coffee with the guys and Brian and i would read the magazines or play video games. But close enuf to #2.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:37 am
by Casey Fisher
Glad you got a kick out of this one Ken. I did as well. My friends and I definitely read all the magazines and played our share of Super Mario Bros at Dick and Floyds.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:02 pm
by Laurie Roberts
I've been reading Raymond Pert's blog everyday for several months. I hope he doesn't mind me outing him, but he is actually Bill Woolum. My brother Paul is married to Bill's sister, Carol. You can find his blog by googling "Kellogg Bloggin." He writes a whole lot about Kellogg, particularly from his young days (60s and early 70s). I've told him that when I read his stuff, sometimes I feel like we grew up in two different towns, but in a way we did, if only because it was ten years later for me.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:55 pm
by Gentry Woolman
Here's my 'You Know You're From Kellogg" list:

1. You’ve seen the “Northern Lights”. You know what they are and don’t think a spot light shining across the sky might be the “Aurora Borealis”.

2, You know where all of the following places are: Bumble Bee, The Breakwater, Pipeline, Tree Farm, Potsville and the Cataldo Train Bridge (And have probably partied there)

3.You’ve been Huckleberry picking and/or know what a huckleberry is and looks like.

4.You know how to correctly pronounce: Coeur d’Alene, St. Maries, Spokane and Cataldo.

5.You know what The Rena, The Sunshine Inn, The Boat, The Miner’s Hat and The Steelworker's Hall are.

6.You know someone, are related to someone or work yourself at Dave Smith’s.

7.You know what a pinecreeker is.(You may possibly be one, be married to one or be friends with one.)

8. You know where Grizzly, Pine Point, Shefoot, Baldy, Kit Price, Devil's Elbow and Big Hank are.

9.If someone refers to the “old” Kopper Keg, Ford Garage, Wolfie’s, Jack’s Hook Shop, Sunnyside School, Warehouse Market, Safeways, Tip Top Saloon, The Drive-In, Train Depot, The Fun Center, JC Penney’s, Coast to Coast, Circle K or Pik Kwik, you know exactly what they’re talking about.

10.You’ve had a Heidelberg and know that $6.00 could buy you a case and a bottle of Mad Dog. (Quality party material back in 1989)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:52 am
by Mike Nordin
Sweet post!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:48 pm
by Mike Dye
Yeah nice post... Man, I remember the drive-in. Got so sick off mad-dog 20/20 one time, couldn't ever drink it

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:05 am
by Mike Nordin
Was it Plum flavored? LOL
Been there, done that, once also!

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:02 pm
by Dawn VanVleet
lol... it was plum flavored for me too!!! ugh..... i cant even look at the stuff without getting nauseous

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:06 pm
by Mike Nordin
Who ever came up with an idea with Plum Flavored. We drank it because it was what was there but the person who came up with it ought to be shot.

You know you are from Kellogg if

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:07 pm
by Rich Gaffney
You played pinochle with the girls at the Miners Rooms.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:38 pm
by Mike Nordin
You've peeked my curiosity. What are the miner's rooms? It's not what I think it is.?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:41 pm
by Rich Gaffney
It was a house of ill repute up stairs from a bar on Railroad Ave.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:58 am
by Rich Gaffney
If you remember Ace Mattmiller, the scourge of Sunnyside. (hint, he had four legs)

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:01 am
by Rich Gaffney
You remember the Mendy's, right Stanfield?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:21 pm
by BM.Biotti
You know you are from Kellogg when you put a dave smith sticker on your old beater, just so you can get it washed for free. :lol:

Bruger Joint

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:14 am
by Pat Cole
Does anyone remember waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back to the old junior high on Main and Division? There was a burger joint across the street. Does anyone remember the name of the place?

Good ones Gentry and Casey

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:59 pm
by Michael Stevenson
Hi there Casey and Gentry, lol those are really good. And Gentry, omg, I so remember those places were, and you forgot one, You know your from Kellogg when you remember as a kid playing in the school yard of the "old" Silver King School. LOL, boy, those sure take a person back aways. When I was up there in the area this last winter, it was incredible how things have changed, the new hospital, the condos at Silver Mountain, the Wal-Mart, and the many other things that have been done throughout the Valley. LOL Here is my list:

You know your from Kellogg when:

1) You take go hunting after school each day;
2) You think that the best entertainment on a Friday night is to go skiiing at Silver Mountain;
3) You know the names of everyone who works at Yoke's, Stein's, and Barney's.
4) You know the names of everyone at Shoshone Medical Center;
5) You have the number to Kopper Keg memorized or written in the phone book;
6) You keep wanting to find out what movie is playing at the "old" drive-in, even though it is no longer there.
7) You go to Dick and Floyd's, Dirty Ernie's, the Boat, Meisterburger, or the Cameron Conoco to learn the daily news;
8) You still recall jumping off the "Silver Bridge" up the river;
9) When the term "Up the river" actually means up the river.

Gosh, I so miss that area and if I had it in me, I would really move back up there. Amazing how time really fly by and let me say, things are diff. picking up for the area there. 8)